The relationship between lean supply chain strategy and supplier integration and competitive capabilities in Thailand automotive suppliers (DSI 2012 Best Application Paper Award)

Suntichai Kotcharin, Steve Eldridge, James Freeman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


In order to improve its competitive capabilities, a firm can exploit not only its internal resources but also those of its supply chain partners. One such way of doing so is for the firm to adopt a lean supply chain strategy. This paper examines the interaction between a lean supply chain strategy and supplier integration and explores the relationship between supplier integration and competitive capabilities. An empirical study was carried out using a sample drawn from the automotive industry in Thailand and structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the theoretical model. The findings indicated that a lean supply chain strategy has a positive relationship with supplier integration and that supplier integration can improve the firm’s competitive capabilities. In particular, supplier integration was observed to have the most impact on the competitive capability of process flexibility and, overall, the improvement of competitive capabilities appeared to vary according to the degree of supplier integration present in the relationship.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationhost publication
Place of PublicationSan Francisco
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2012
EventDecision Sciences Institute 43rd Annual Meeting -
Duration: 17 Nov 201220 Nov 2012


ConferenceDecision Sciences Institute 43rd Annual Meeting


  • Lean strategy; supplier integration; competitive capabilities; automotive industry; emerging economy


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