The roles of microstructure and mechanics in intergranular stress corrosion cracking

Andrey Jivkov, Nicholas Stevens, T James Marrow, C A Brebbia (Editor), V G DeGiorgi (Editor), R A Adey (Editor)

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    Previous work on the prediction of intergranular stress corrosion crackingresistance in grain boundary engineered microstructures has used twodimensional percolation models, in which the grain boundaries are assumed to beeither resistant or susceptible to cracking, depending on the grain boundarycharacter. One limitation of such models is that they do not necessarily accountfor the mechanical crack driving force. Further, they cannot captureexperimentally observed phenomena such as the formation of isolated ductilebridging ligaments by resistant boundaries. These arise due to the threedimensionalcharacter of crack propagation. A new mechanical crackpropagation model is presented which, via finite element solutions, addressesthese limitations. The model is based on a regular discrete representation of thematerial’s microstructure and is applicable to both 2D and 3D behaviour. Resultsare reported for 2D-hexagonal microstructures, and are compared withpercolation models. The results demonstrate the influence of stress on crack path,as well as the influence of the rupture strain of susceptible boundaries on crackbehaviour. Further, the effect of crack bridging, which arises from ductileresistant boundaries is studied.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSimulation of Electrochemical Processes
    EditorsCarlos A Brebbia, Valery G DeGiorgi, R A Adey
    Place of PublicationEngland
    PublisherWIT Press
    Number of pages10
    ISBN (Print)1845640128
    Publication statusPublished - 2 May 2005
    Event1st International Conference on Simulation of Electrochemical Processes - Cadiz, SPAIN
    Duration: 2 May 20054 May 2005

    Publication series

    NameWIT Transactions on engineering


    Conference1st International Conference on Simulation of Electrochemical Processes
    CityCadiz, SPAIN


    • Intergranular stress corrosion
    • Microstructure
    • Mechanics
    • Crack


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