The Study Team for Early Life Asthma Research (STELAR) consortium 'Asthma e-lab': team science bringing data, methods and investigators together.

Adnan Custovic, John Ainsworth, Hasan Arshad, Christopher Bishop, Iain Buchan, Paul Cullinan, Graham Devereux, John Henderson, John Holloway, Graham Roberts, Steve Turner, Ashley Woodcock, Angela Simpson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We created Asthma e-Lab, a secure web-based research environment to support consistent recording, description and sharing of data, computational/statistical methods and emerging findings across the five UK birth cohorts. The e-Lab serves as a data repository for our unified dataset and provides the computational resources and a scientific social network to support collaborative research. All activities are transparent, and emerging findings are shared via the e-Lab, linked to explanations of analytical methods, thus enabling knowledge transfer. eLab facilitates the iterative interdisciplinary dialogue between clinicians, statisticians, computer scientists, mathematicians, geneticists and basic scientists, capturing collective thought behind the interpretations of findings.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)799-801
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2015


    • Asthma
    • Asthma Epidemiology
    • Paediatric asthma


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