The Value of Public Parks and their Communities: Research Briefing

    Research output: Other contribution

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    Public parks and green spaces are valuable assets in everyday life. They provide access to nature and independent walking. They are places to participate in family and friendship, for sports and hanging out, for the enjoyment of outdoor exercise, for private contemplation, and for people and nature watching.These uses and the values attached to them were signalled very early on in the Understanding Everyday Participation research. In our first case study ecosystem area, the conjoined wards of Cheetham, North Manchester and Broughton, East Salford, public parks have played these roles in people’s everyday lives since their establishment over 170 years ago. The research investigates participation in parks using a number of different methods and produces a range of findings on the value of public parks as part of everyday life in communities, which are reported in this briefing report for policy and community stakeholders.
    Original languageEnglish
    TypeBriefing report
    Media of outputonline pdf
    PublisherUnderstanding Everyday Participation
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2017


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