The Womb Cancer Awareness Measure (WCAM): Development of an instrument to assess public awareness of endometrial cancer

Olivia Jones, Hannah Young, Helen Clarke, Emma Crosbie, Vanitha Sivalingam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


To develop and test a novel instrument to assess public awareness of endometrial cancer symptoms and risk factors in a UK population.
A 36-item questionnaire was developed through literature review and extraction from cancer awareness materials. The Womb Cancer Awareness Measure (WCAM) was tested for content validity in 65 self-identified female research participants and 10 endometrial cancer experts prior to UK-wide field-testing using social media. Test-retest reliability was assessed over two weeks, construct validity assessed by comparing womb cancer experts and non-medical academics and sensitivity to change by comparing scores of participants who read an endometrial cancer leaflet to a control leaflet.
Fifty-two percent of the items in test-retest reliability showed >80% agreement. Construct validity was demonstrated; endometrial cancer experts achieved higher scores [median 79(IQR 18)] than non medical academics [median 50(IQR 18)] (p<0.001). The WCAM was sensitive to change; volunteers who read an endometrial cancer leaflet demonstrated greater awareness [median 73(IQR 9)] than the control leaflet[median 59 (IQR 9)](p<0.001). Knowledge of endometrial cancer red flag symptoms and 36 risk factors was poor in the 847 UK-based participants.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-79
JournalInternational Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Issue number1
Early online date6 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 2024


  • Endometrial Neoplasms
  • Uterine Cancer
  • Endometrium


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