Theoretical and experimental (e,2e) study of electron-impact ionization of laser-aligned Mg atoms

Andrew Murray, Sadek Amami (Collaborator), Don Madison (Collaborator), Al Stauffer (Collaborator), Gregory Armstrong (Collaborator), James Colgan (Collaborator)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We have performed calculations of the fully differential cross sections for electron-impact ionization of magnesium atoms. Three theoretical approximations, the time-dependent close coupling, the three-body distorted wave, and the distorted wave Born approximation, are compared with experiment in this article. Results will be shown for ionization of the 3s ground state of Mg for both asymmetric and symmetric coplanar geometries. Results will also be shown for ionization of the 3p state which has been excited by a linearly polarized laser which produces a charge cloud aligned perpendicular to the laser beam direction and parallel to the linear polarization. Theoretical and experimental results will be compared for several different alignment angles, both in the scattering plane as well as in the plane perpendicular to the incident beam direction.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)062707-1-062707-9
    Number of pages9
    JournalPhysical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics)
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2014


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