Theorizing Less Visible Forms of Fandom: Practices, Assemblages, Liquidity, and Other Directions

Jack Coffin, Alison Joubert

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter seeks to contribute to the current theorizations of fandom by focusing on the less visible forms that are excluded from the current conceptualizations. The current research contributions to fandom have without a doubt been invaluable in providing theoretical understandings of fan consumption. However, they have largely focused on the stereotypical fan who engages in cumulative, communitarian and conspicuous expressions of their fandom, thereby largely ignoring the less visible forms of fandom. This chapter aims to begin the construction of an inclusive conceptual counterbalance of fandom theorizations by problematizing the current conceptualizations and providing three potential avenues through which future researchers can explore fandom in a broader way: practice theory, assemblage theory and liquid consumption. In setting this research agenda, the chapter concludes with phenomenological, structural, methodological, managerial, critical, and ethical considerations for future fandom research.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHandbook of research on the Impact of Fandom in Society and Consumerism
PublisherIGI Press
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Assemblages
  • Consumption Community
  • Invisible Consumption
  • Invisible Fandom
  • Liquid Consumption
  • Practices
  • Visible Consumption


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