Three dimensional Compton scattering tomography

James W Webber, William Lionheart

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We propose a new acquisition geometry for electron density reconstruction in three dimensional x-ray Compton imaging using a monochromatic source. This leads us to a new three dimensional inverse problem where we aim to reconstruct a real valued function f (the electron density) from its integrals over spindle tori. We prove injectivity of a generalized spindle torus transform on the set of smooth functions compactly supported on a hollow ball. This is obtained through the explicit inversion of a class of Volterra integral operators, whose solutions give us an expression for the harmonic coefficients of f. The polychromatic source case is later considered, and we prove injectivity of a new spindle interior transform, apple transform and apple interior transform on the set of smooth functions compactly supported on a hollow ball. A possible physical model is suggested for both source types. We also provide simulated density reconstructions with varying levels of added pseudo random noise and model the systematic error due to the attenuation of the incoming and scattered rays in our simulation.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number084001
    JournalInverse Problems
    Issue number8
    Early online date16 May 2018
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


    • Compton scattering
    • gamma rays
    • integral transforms
    • spindle torus
    • tomography
    • x-rays


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