To evaluate patient's understanding of the Neuroendocrine (NET) Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting process at a ENETS centre of excellence

CL Rigby, JW Valle, RA Hubner, WA Mansoor, A Lamarca, R Leon, J Barriuso, L McCallum, Mairead Mcnamara

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


    Background: Multidisciplinary teams serve to streamline the patient journey by developing individual treatment plans that are based on ‘best practice'. National and local guidelines address MDT process. However, there is little focus on individual patients’ understanding and expectations on how and when the MDT outcomes are communicated. The aim of this study was to gain insight into patients’ understanding of the MDT process in an ENETs centre of excellence. Methods: In this single-centre prospective study (The Christie), 49 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of a NET (any stage/primary), whose cases had been recently discussed at the NET MDT, completed a questionnaire (August 2015), which aimed to gain a clearer view of patients’ understanding of the MDT process and what could be done to improve the service provided. Results: Forty-nine patients were included. Sixty-two percent understood what a NET MDT involved, 59% were aware that their case had been discussed, 81% were informed of the MDT outcome. Forty-five percent believed that they should be informed of the MDT outcome within 7 days. Sixty-seven percent would prefer to be informed in clinic by a Consultant. Forty-one percent would like additional information on the MDT process. Conclusion: There are a number of patients who appear not to understand what the MDT process involves or that their cases were discussed. Of those informed, most preferred to be notified in clinic. Senior Clinician review cannot be guaranteed but greater provision of information on MDTs should be encouraged at first consultation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2015
    EventUKINETS 2015 - London
    Duration: 7 Dec 20157 Dec 2015


    ConferenceUKINETS 2015


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