Towards Developing an Automated Faults Characterisation Framework for Rotating Machines. Part 1: Rotor-Related Faults

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Rotating machines are pivotal to the achievement of core operational objectives within various industries. Recent drives for developing smart systems coupled with the significant advancements in computational technologies have immensely increased the complexity of this group of critical physical industrial assets (PIAs). Vibration-based techniques have contributed significantly towards understanding the failure modes of rotating machines and their associated components. However, the very large data requirements attributable to routine vibration-based fault diagnosis at multiple measurement locations has led to the quest for alternative approaches that possess the capability to reduce faults diagnosis downtime. Initiatives aimed at rationalising vibration-based condition monitoring data in order to just retain information that offer maximum variability includes the combination of coherent composite spectrum (CCS) and principal components analysis (PCA) for rotor-related faults diagnosis. While there is no doubt about the potentials of this approach, especially that it is independent of the number of measurement locations and foundation types, its over-reliance on manual classification made it prone to human subjectivity and lack of repeatability. The current study therefore aims to further enhance existing CCS capability in two facets—(1) exploration of the possibility of automating the process by testing its compatibility with various machine learning techniques (2) incorporating spectrum energy as a novel feature. It was observed that artificial neural networks (ANN) offered the most accurate and consistent classification outcomes under all considered scenarios, which demonstrates immense opportunity for automating the process. The paper describes computational approaches, signal processing parameters and experiments used for generating the analysed vibration data.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1394
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages20
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 17 Mar 2020


  • Composite spectrum
  • Data fusion
  • Machine learning
  • Rotating machines
  • Spectrum energy
  • Vibration-based condition monitoring


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