Towards Robot-Assisted Therapy: Identifying Mechanisms of Effect in Human-Biomimetic Robot Interaction

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


This thesis provides a framework for understanding human-robot relationships based on human-other bonds. It focuses on human-animal interactions and the positive effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT), proposing that Robot-Assisted Therapy (RAT), with biomimetic robots, could benefit from a better understanding of the mechanisms of effect driving positive AAT outcomes. In sum, interactions with biomimetic robots could provide benefits mechanistically comparable to those provided by AAT animals, independent of individual differences in personality or culture. Evidence is provided showing that interaction with a PARO therapeutic robot led to a positive change in users’ well-being, measured via Felt Security (FS). Intimate interactions with PARO, such as stroking the unit, produced greater increases in user FS, independent of individual differences in caregiving and attachment styles. The Felt Security Scale (FSS) was translated into Japanese creating the JFSS. This was used in a cross-cultural study (Japan/UK) which demonstrated that the biomimetic robot MIRO does not have to display predictable behaviour in order to have a positive impact on a user’s FS. These results were found in both the UK and Japan despite the different culturally-driven expectations of robot-acceptance in the two countries. Although an interaction with both PARO and MIRO increased user FS, these scores were significantly higher when interacting with PARO.
Original languageUndefined
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Sheffield
  • Prescott, Tony, Supervisor, External person
Award date1 Sept 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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