Transferable Media Pluralism Policies from Europe

Peter Humphreys

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This paper was presented at a conference organised in the context of an HARC funded project on media power and plurality, conducted by Professor Steven Barnett and Judith Townend, at the University of Westminster, an outcome of which will be a forthcoming Palgrave volume on Media, Power and Plurality in 2015 in which an extended version of this paper will feature. The paper considered several key areas of potential policy transfer from Europe and proposed several models of subsidy policy and regulation with a view to ensuring the provision of a healthy amount of public service content and journalism in the digital online era.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationhost publication
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventWhat Can the UK Learn from Other Countries? A Conference on Media Power and Plurality - City University, London
Duration: 2 May 20142 May 2014


ConferenceWhat Can the UK Learn from Other Countries? A Conference on Media Power and Plurality
CityCity University, London


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