Treatment for wound pruritus following burns

C. Richardson, D. Upton, M. Rippon

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Objective: To review the current literature on the treatment of itching, or pruritus, in people with burn wounds. Method: A literature search using the databases PubMed, MEDLINE and Google Scholar was undertaken. Studies were included in the review if they discussed or evaluated different treatment options for pruritus in patients with burn wounds. Results: A variety of treatments are available for the relief of pruritus in patients with burns wounds, ranging from antihistamines and topical emollients to psychological therapies, massage and dermatological treatments. Oral antihistamines are used most commonly, yet research indicates that these are not always effective. Few studies are methodologically robust. In recent years, there has been an attempt to design and implement treatment strategies and algorithms, however, there is currently no agreed and consistent management plan for the treatment of pruritus due to burn injury. Conclusion: Simple single therapies should be the first line therapy for the treatment of pruritus due to burns, however, if these are unsuccessful, combination therapy should be introduced early to try to reduce the onset of chronic itch. Current algorithms and treatment plans based on the stage of healing show promise but need further modification and testing before they can be recommended for common use. Declaration of interest: There were no external sources of funding for this study. The authors have no conflicts of interests to declare. © 2014 MA Healthcare LTD.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)227-233
    Number of pages6
    JournalJournal Of Wound Care
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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