Tritium Tracers of Rapid Surface Water Ingression into Arsenic-bearing Aquifers in the Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia

Laura Richards, Jürgen Sültenfuß, Christopher J Ballentine, Daniel Magnone, B E van Dongen, Chansopheaktra Sovann, David Polya

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    Arsenic (As) contamination of groundwaters in South and Southeast Asia is a major threat to public health in these areas. Understanding the source and age of the groundwaters is critically important to understanding the controls on As mobilization in these aquifers. Using tritium (3H) and noble gas (He and Ne) signatures, model groundwater ages and dominant hydrological controls were identified in a transect oriented broadly parallel to inferred groundwater flowpaths in Kandal Province, Cambodia in the lower Mekong Basin. Apparent 3H-3He ages showed that most groundwaters are modern (< 55 years), indicating relatively fast recharge even in the absence of large-scale groundwater abstraction. The age-depth relationship indicates a strong vertical component of groundwater flow and allows for recharge rates to be estimated. Vertical and horizontal flow velocities are heterogeneous and site-specific. The conceptual framework will be used to better understand As mobilization and subsequent transport with these and similar aquifers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)845–848
    JournalProcedia: Earth and Planetary Science
    Early online date18 Jan 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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