Trophic transfer of aluminium through an aquatic grazer-omnivore food chain

Rachel C. Walton, Catherine R. McCrohan, Francis Livens, Keith N. White

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The potential for trophic transfer of aluminium (Al) was investigated using a grazing detritivore, the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis, and a predator, the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus. Snails were exposed to either aqueous Al (500μgl-1) in the presence or absence of an inorganic ligand (phosphate (+P); 500μgl-1) for 30 days, or kept as unexposed controls. Subcellular partitioning of Al in the snail tissues was characterised using ultracentrifugation. Al content in the soft tissues and the subcellular fractions was measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Exposed and control snails were fed to individually housed crayfish (n=6 per group) over 40 days. Water samples, uneaten snail tissue and faeces were collected throughout the experiment in order to assess the fate of Al. Behavioural toxicity to the crayfish was assessed at four time points, and tissue accumulation of Al in soft tissues was measured following a 2-day depuration period. Snails exposed to Al+P accumulated more Al per snail than those exposed to Al only (291μg vs 206μg), and also contained a higher proportion of detoxified Al (in inorganic granules and associated with heat stable proteins) (39% vs 26%). There were no significant differences in behavioural activity between the different groups of crayfish at any time point. Crayfish fed snails exposed to only Al accumulated significant levels of Al in their total soft tissues, compared to controls; crayfish fed Al+P-exposed snails did not, even though concentrations of Al in these snails were higher. The highest concentrations of Al were found in the green gland in both crayfish feeding groups, and the gut and hepatopancreas in crayfish fed Al only exposed snails; all of these were significantly higher than in crayfish fed control snails. There was no significant accumulation of Al in the gills or flexor muscle in any group. At least 17% of trophically available Al in the snail tissues was accumulated by the crayfish. This proportion was similar in both feeding groups but, as the proportion of trophically available Al in the snails exposed to Al+P was lower, this led to lower accumulation in the Al+P crayfish feeding group. This study indicates that in comparison to vertebrates, aquatic invertebrates accumulate a higher proportion of Al via oral ingestion but it does not accumulate in tissues that may pose a threat to human consumers. © 2010.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)93-99
    Number of pages6
    JournalAquatic Toxicology
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2010


    • Aluminum
    • Food chain
    • Lymnaea stagnalis
    • Metal accumulation
    • Trophic transfer


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