Tuning the Performance of Negative Tone Electron Beam Resists for the Next Generation Lithography

Scott M. Lewis*, Guy A. DeRose, Hayden R. Alty, Matthew S. Hunt, Nathan Lee, James A. Mann, Richard Grindell, Alex Wertheim, Lucia De Rose, Antonio Fernandez, Christopher A. Muryn, George F.S. Whitehead, Grigore A. Timco, Axel Scherer, Richard E.P. Winpenny

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A new class of electron bean negative tone resist materials has been developed based on heterometallic rings. The initial resist performance demonstrates a resolution of 15 nm half-pitch but at the expense of a low sensitivity. To improve sensitivity a 3D Monte Carlo simulation is used that utilizes a secondary and Auger electron generation model. The simulation suggests that the sensitivity can be dramatically improved while maintaining high resolution by incorporating appropriate chemical functionality around the metal–organic core. The new resists designs based on the simulation have the increased sensitivity expected and illustrate the value of the simulation approach.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2202710
JournalAdvanced Functional Materials
Issue number32
Publication statusPublished - 8 Aug 2022


  • 3D Monte Carlo Simulation
  • electron beam lithography
  • metal–organic electron beam resists


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