Understanding the impact of different modes of information provision on preferences for a Newborn Bloodspot Screening Programme in the UK

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This study aimed to understand the impact of alternative modes of information provision on the stated preferences of a sample of the public for attributes of Newborn Bloodspot Screening (NBS) in the United Kingdom.


An online discrete choice experiment survey was designed using four attributes to describe NBS (effect of treatment on the condition; time to receive results; whether the bloodspot is stored; false-positive rate). Survey respondents were randomized to one of two survey-versions presenting the background training-materials using text from a leaflet (leaflet-version) or an animation (animation-version). Heteroscedastic conditional logistic regression was used to estimate the effect of mode of information provision on error variance.


The survey was completed by 1000 respondents (leaflet = 525; animation = 475). Preferences for the attributes in the DCE were the same in both groups but the group receiving the animation-version had 9% less error variance in their responses. Respondents completing the animation-version gave higher ratings compared with the leaflet-version in terms of ease of perceived understanding. Sub-group analysis suggested that the animation was particularly effective at reducing error variance for women (20%), people with previous children (16.5%), and people between the ages of 35 and 45 (11.8%).


This study used simple DCE with four attributes and the results may vary for more complex choice questions.


This study provides evidence that that supplementing the information package offered to parents choosing to take part in NBS with an animation may aid them their decision-making. Further research would be needed to test the animation in the health system.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMedical Decision Making Policy & Practice
Early online date4 Mar 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 4 Mar 2024


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