Understanding the Interplay Between Uptake and Efflux Transporters Within In Vitro Systems in Defining Hepatocellular Drug Concentrations

Carina Cantrill, J. Brian Houston

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


One of the most holistic in vitro systems for prediction of intracellular drug concentrations is sandwich-cultured hepatocytes (SCH); however, a comprehensive evaluation of the utility of SCH to estimate uptake and biliary clearances and the need for additional kinetic parameters has yet to be carried out. Toward this end, we have selected 9 compounds (rosuvastatin, valsartan, fexofenadine, pravastatin, repaglinide, telmisartan, atorvastatin, saquinavir, and quinidine) to provide a range of physicochemical and hepatic disposition properties. Uptake clearances were determined in SCH and compared with conventional monolayer and suspension hepatocyte systems, previously reported by our laboratory. CLuptake ranged from 1 to 41 μL/min/106 cells in SCH which were significantly lower (1%-10%) compared with the other hepatocyte models. The hepatocyte-to-media unbound concentration ratio (Kp u ) has been assessed and ranged 0.7-59, lower compared with other hepatocyte systems (8-280). Estimates of in vitro biliary clearance (CLbile) for 4 drugs were determined and were scaled to predict in vivo values using both intracellular concentration and media drug concentrations. These studies demonstrate that reduced uptake in rat SCH may limit drug access to canalicular efflux transport proteins and highlight the importance of elucidating the interplay between these proteins for accurate prediction of hepatic clearance.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Issue number9
Early online date3 May 2017
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017


  • Hepatic clearance
  • Hepatic transport
  • Hepatobiliary disposition
  • Hepatocytes
  • Transporters


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