Unions for whom? Union democracy and precarious workers in Poland and Italy

Stefania Marino, Magdalena Bernaciak, Adam Mrozowicki, Valeria Pulignano

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Focusing on the cases of Italy and Poland, this article examines the link between union organizational democracy and the economic and political inclusion of precarious workers. It argues that union membership of vulnerable groups is not a necessary condition for the representation of their voice and economic interests by labour organizations; rather, these two forms of inclusion are shaped primarily by the institutional contexts in which unions operate as well as by their identities and structural characteristics. In both examined countries the economic inclusion of precarious workers has been more advanced, while the degree of their political inclusion has lagged behind and varied across major union confederations in line with two distinct models of unionism: a solidaristic and a diversity-oriented one.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEconomic and Industrial Democracy
Early online date24 Aug 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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