title = "Users voices: Who's Listening? Research Report on User Involvement in Substance Misuse Services. ISBN 1-897898-49-5",
keywords = "Substance misuse, user involvement, Substance misuse services",
author = "H Barnes and P Ing and J Smith",
note = "North/South Staffordshire Drug and Alcohol Reference Groups North Staffordshire Health Authority Gratitude for funding and commissioning this study.The study was commissioned and funded by North/South Staffordshire Drug and Alcohol Reference Groups and North Staffordshire Health Authority. It involved an investigation using a mixed methods approach, in respect of perspectives, barriers and best practice in relation to user involvement in substance misuse services. Individual and group interviews and telephone surveys were conducted with service users and family members, commissioners, practitioners and agencies across the range of services, including health, social services, criminal justice, housing amongst others, with links to substance misuse. Interviews were also conducted with services providing best practice exemplars.",
year = "1999",
month = jan,
language = "English",
isbn = "ISBN 1-897898-49-5",
publisher = "Housing and Community Research Unit, Staffordshire University",
address = "United Kingdom",