Uses and abuses of EIDORS: an extensible software base for EIT.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    EIDORS is an open source software suite for image reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography and diffuse optical tomography, designed to facilitate collaboration, testing and new research in these fields. This paper describes recent work to redesign the software structure in order to simplify its use and provide a uniform interface, permitting easier modification and customization. We describe the key features of this software, followed by examples of its use. One general issue with inverse problem software is the difficulty of correctly implementing algorithms and the consequent ease with which subtle numerical bugs can be inadvertently introduced. EIDORS helps with this issue, by allowing sharing and reuse of well-documented and debugged software. On the other hand, since EIDORS is designed to facilitate use by non-specialists, its use may inadvertently result in such numerical errors. In order to address this issue, we develop a list of ways in which such errors with inverse problems (which we refer to as 'cheats') may occur. Our hope is that such an overview may assist authors of software to avoid such implementation issues.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberS03
    Pages (from-to)S25-S42
    JournalPhysiological Measurement
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - May 2006


    • Electrical impedance tomography
    • Inverse problems
    • Open source


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