Using Movement of Exemption Cutoff to Estimate Tax Evasion: Evidence from Pakistan

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Exploiting asymmetry of effort and evasion costs, I develop a simple approach that can be used to estimate tax evasion accurately from taxpayers’ own declarations. The approach relies on the fact that the costs of evasion are roughly of a reverse-L shape, whereas the costs of effort are a smooth, continuous function of earnings. Using a series of sharp tax changes in the Pakistani personal income tax schedules and administrative tax return data, I demonstrate that agent behavior is strictly consistent with the prediction of the model and estimate that at least 70% of self-employment and 1% of wage income is evaded in the country.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages55
Publication statusIn preparation - 15 Jul 2017


  • Efficiency
  • Tax evasion
  • Income Tax


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