Vessels of Song: Journeys into the Worlds of Klezmer (documentary)

Richard Fay (Producer), Sam Gee (Developer)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


A short film (by Sam Gee) about the "Vessels of Song: Journeys into the Worlds of Klezmer" concert (1st December, 2019) presented by Klezmorim of Manchester in an event co-hosted by the Manchester Liberal Jewish Community and the Music Department at The University of Manchester. The film mixes concert and rehearsal footage with interview snippets from all those involved. It gives an insight into this world of klezmer in Manchester.

The concert involved various segments including: Klezmer in the Old World (Michael Kahan Kapelye), Klezmer in the New World (Di Akht), Klezmer meets Irish (Amid the Mirk Over the Irk), Klezmer meets Classical (Sophie Sully and Lucy Hibberd), Klezmer meets Yiddish Theatre (led by Pete Shaw), and Klezmer meets Swing (Jack Fearn's Shwing band) ....
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2020


  • Vessels of Song
  • klezmer


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