Vibration investigation for turbine last stage blade failure in steam turbine for a power plant.

Vibration Investigation For Turbine Last Stage Blade Failure In Steam Turbine For A Power Plant, Wolfgang Hahn

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


West Burton Power Plant, UK owned by EDF energy has4 steam turbo-generator (TG) units for power generation. Theseunits were installed and commissioned between 1967 and 1969and have since operated smoothly without any major problemsup to 2007. In 1995 and 1996, two TG sets, namely units 2 and3, were retrofitted with the new design LP rotors and in 2005,retrofitting of HP rotor for all four TG units was commenced.The retrofitting was done without changing the foundation, butonly with the aim to enhance the power output by 20MW (10MW through LP retrofit and 10MW through HP retrofit).Cracking of the last stage blades of LP1 and LP2 turbine,steam-end blades has been observed in TG units 2 and 3 only.Hence the in-situ vibration measurements have been carried outon TG unit 3 and compared with healthy TG unit 1 tounderstand the dynamics of both units. This paper presentsobservations made on the dynamics of TG units 1 and 3, andresults from the root cause analysis which may possibly lead tothe solution to the blade failure problem in TG units 2 and 3.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVibration investigation for turbine last stage blade failure in steam turbine for a power plant.
Place of PublicationASME
PublisherAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2012
EventVibration investigation for turbine last stage blade failure in steam turbine for a power plant. - Asme Turbo Expo conference Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 11 Jun 201215 Jun 2012


ConferenceVibration investigation for turbine last stage blade failure in steam turbine for a power plant.
CityAsme Turbo Expo conference Copenhagen, Denmark


  • Vibration, Blade cracking


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