Video-speed Graphene Modulator Arrays for Terahertz Imaging Applications

Yury Malevich, M. Said Ergoktas, Gokhan Bakan, Pietro Steiner, Coskun Kocabas

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Electrically tuneable high mobility charges on graphene yield an efficient electro-optical platform to control and manipulate terahertz (THz) waves. Real-world applications require a multiplex THz device with efficient modulation over a large area. The trade-off between the efficient gating and switching speed, however, hinders the realization of these applications. In this Letter, we demonstrate a large-format 256-pixel THz modulator which provides high-frame-rate reconfigurable transmission patterns. The time-domain and frequency-domain THz characterizations of graphene devices reveal the relaxation pathways of gate-induced charges and ion packing at graphene-electrolyte interface. The fundamental understanding of these limiting factors enables breaking the trade-off permitting switching frequencies up to 1 kHz. To show the promises of these devices, we demonstrate a single-pixel THz camera which allows spatial and spectroscopic imaging of large-area objects without any moving components. These results provide a significant advancement towards the achievement of non-invasive THz imaging systems using graphene-based platforms.
Original languageEnglish
JournalACS Photonics
Early online date13 Aug 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Aug 2020


  • THz imaging
  • spatial light modulator
  • graphene
  • electrolyte gating
  • electrical double layer
  • single-pixel detector


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  • CDT in Science and Applications of Graphene and Related Nanomaterial

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    Project: Other

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