VizieR Online Data Catalog: Low-frequency (115-175MHz) image of M51 (Mulcahy+, 2014)

D D Mulcahy, A Horneffer, R Beck, G Heald, A Fletcher, A Scaife, B Adebahr, J M Anderson, A Bonafede, M Brueggen, G Brunetti, K T Chyzy, J Conway, R-J Dettmar, T Ensslin, M Haverkorn, C Horellou, M Iacobelli, F P Israel, H JunklewitzW Jurusik, J Koehler, M Kuniyoshi, E Orru, R Paladino, R Pizzo, W Reich, H J A Roettgering

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Stokes I FITS image of M51 observed with LOFAR High Frequency Antennas (HBA) with a mean frequency of 151MHz at 20-arcsec resolution. Full details of the data reduction are explained in section 2 of the paper. (2 data files).
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalVizieR Online Data Catalog
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • Galaxies: nearby
    • Radio continuum
    • Polarization


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