Walk Through Metal Detection System

Liam A Marsh (Other), Anthony Peyton (Other), David Armitage (Other), Christos Ktistis (Other), William Lionheart (Other), Ari Järvi (Other)

    Research output: Patent

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    The present application is a detection system for locating and characterizing an object placed in a detection area in a three dimensional space. The detection system includes a plurality of magnetic field generators and magnetic field detectors arranged on opposite sides of the detection area and a control system for enabling generation of a magnetic field in the detection area by the magnetic field generators and for measuring of the magnetic field modified by the object at each of the magnetic field detectors. The detection system also includes a processor for processing the measured magnetic field to obtain a data set characterizing the object and a location of the object. The processor applies a reconstruction process on a predefined number of measurements of the modified magnetic field.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent number20130006552
    Publication statusPublished - 3 Jan 2013


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