What treatment packages do UK physiotherapists use to treat postural control and mobility problems after stroke?

S. F. Tyson, L. A. Connell, S. Lennon, M. E. Busse

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to identify the treatment packages combinations of interventions used to treat postural control and mobility problems for patients with stroke. Method. A convenience sample of 74 physiotherapists from 34 National Health Service hospitals recorded the interventions used to treat postural control and mobility problems for 251 patients with stroke in 1156 treatment sessions using the Stroke Physiotherapy Intervention Recording Tool Tyson and Selley, Disabil Rehabil 2004;26:1184 1188. Descriptive statistics assessed the frequency with which the interventions were used and geometric coding indentified treatment packages. Results. The most frequently used interventions involved facilitation, practice of activities and their components and mobilisations. The least frequently used interventions involved the provision of equipment, teaching carers or professionals and exercise. Two treatment packages were identified; one involving the facilitation of activities and their components and the other involving whole activities facilitation and practice. Conclusions. Interventions are often combined in two treatment packages to treat postural control and mobility problems after stroke. One involved facilitation of whole and component activities and the other involved practice and facilitation of whole activities. Future research in which conventional or standard UK stroke physiotherapy is delivered should focus on these interventions and exclude atypically used interventions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1494-1500
    Number of pages6
    JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
    Issue number18
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Balance
    • Mobility
    • Physiotherapy
    • Posture
    • Stroke


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