Which computer-use behaviours are most indicative of cognitive decline? Insights from an expert reference group

Samuel Couth, Gemma Stringer, Iracema Leroi, Alistair Sutcliffe, Ann Gledson, Davide Bruno, Kathryn Mcdonald, Daniela Montaldi, Ellen Poliakoff, Jonathan Rust, Jennifer Thompson, Laura J.E. Brown

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Computer use is becoming ubiquitous among older adults. As computer use depends on complex cognitive functions, measuring individuals’ computer-use behaviours over time may provide a way to detect changes in their cognitive functioning. However, it is uncertain which computer-use behaviour changes are most likely to be associated with declines of particular cognitive functions. To address this, we convened six experts from clinical and cognitive neurosciences to take part in two workshops and a follow-up survey to gain consensus on which computer-use behaviours would likely be the strongest indicators of cognitive decline. This resulted in a list of 21 computer-use behaviours that the majority of experts agreed would offer a ‘strong indication’ of decline in a specific cognitive function, across Memory, Executive function, Language and Perception and Action domains. This list enables a hypothesis-driven approach to analysing computer-use behaviours predicted to be markers of cognitive decline.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHealth Informatics Journal
Early online date10 Nov 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Dementia
  • Cognitive decline
  • Computer-use activities
  • Expert opinion

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing


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