WP2 Deliverable 1 "Progress report of Task 1.1, Task 1.2 and Task 1.3"

A Ballanti, L F Ochoa

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


    This document presents the progress of WP2 Task 1.1, Task 1.2 and Task 1.3 as part of Deliverable 1. The document introduces two different methodologies (time-independent and time-varying) to define the voltage-demand relationship for residential loads in an ENWL primary substation (Task 1.2). An initial quantification of the peak reduction is provided for this primary substation and the whole ENWL area (Task 1.3). The adopted procedure to transfer DINIS-based HV network models into OpenDSS is also presented (Task 1.1).
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherElectricity North West Limited (ENWL)
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Apr 2014


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