A Study of the Molecular Make Up of Sakurai's Object Using ALMA

  • Phoebe Stainton

Student thesis: Master of Science by Research


This work will aim to use the abilities of ALMA, the UDfA Dark Cloud model, and RADEX to determine likely molecules in Sakurai’s Object and attempt to predict a possible evolutionary path. From ALMA observations it can be concluded that HC3N, CO, 13CO, and HNC are abundant. Models made using the UDfA Dark Cloud Model suggest these abundances are likely to increase. Whilst it was possible to find an evolutionary model, the fast evolution of Sakurai’s Object means that it is likely to need adjustments as more observations are taken, meaning this research provides a foundation for a significant amount of further work. Work with RADEX suggest that the temperature of Sakurai’s Object may sit at approximately 20K, and that some lines - such as CO - may be optically thick.
Date of Award31 Dec 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorAlbert Zijlstra (Supervisor) & Iain Mcdonald (Supervisor)


  • Sakurai's Object
  • ALMA

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