Analysing the interplay of factors affecting the implementation of HRM within service sector MNCs: the case of Cypriot sub-units.

  • Anastasia Kynighou

Student thesis: Phd


This thesis examines the implementation of HR practices within Cypriot sub-units of service sector MNCs. It attempts to shed light on the decision-making process which takes place at the local unit and highlight the forces which shape this. Existing literature, albeit influential, seems to be constrained by the underlying notion that HQ seek to transfer HR practice to the local unit. Hence, researches have attempted thus far to explore the factors which facilitate or hinder the transfer. However, this thesis uses a bottom-up approach and shifts the emphasis from the top to the bottom level without assuming proactive, vertical transfer of practices. However, influence from the top level is by no means ignored. On the contrary, intra-organisational aspects and pressures have been incorporated in the integrated model used for this analysis. The integrated model, as such, incorporates influences from four different theoretical approaches in order to study HRM within sub-units. Indeed, findings from this thesis illustrate how external and internal forces interplay to shape HR policies and practices locally. The multi-dimensional approach suggested in this thesis contributes to the literature by highlighting the interplay of factors which shape HRM within MNCs. This allows for a deeper understanding of how HRM occurs at local level. Findings from this thesis can also be extended beyond to a range of other countries and sectors.
Date of Award1 Aug 2011
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorMichael Marchington (Supervisor) & Andrew Timming (Supervisor)


  • HRM
  • MNCs
  • transfer
  • Cyprus
  • service sector

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