Cyclic and Spirocyclic alpha-Tertiary Amines by Organolithium Rearrangement

  • Anthony Overy

Student thesis: Master of Philosophy


Spirocyclic & cyclic alpha-tertiary amines are frequently found in naturally occurring biological and synthetic molecules. Synthetic methods which allow the concise synthesis of such molecules are of high value within organic synthesis. The application of a specific organolithium rearrangement with regards to this family of amines has developed and broadened within this thesis. Attempts to synthesis a variety of novel compounds is covered, with the aim of not only broadening the utility of organolithium reaction for the construction of this otherwise challenging class of amines, but to highlight and showcase its utility in the synthesis of the structurally complex alkaloids.
Date of Award1 Aug 2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorJonathan Clayden (Supervisor) & David Procter (Supervisor)


  • Spirocyclic
  • a-tertiary amines
  • Organolithium Rearrangement
  • Cyclic

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