Development of a probabilistic method to extract double pomeron exchange events in high pile-up conditions with the AFP detector

  • Huazhen Li

Student thesis: Master of Science by Research


ATLAS is a multi-purpose spectrometer taking data at 14 TeV LHC accelerator at CERN since 2007. The ATLAS Forward Proton (the AFP) sub-detector is an important upgrade to the ATLAS detector which promises an extension to the physics reach of ATLAS. In this research, a probabilistic method using predefined underlying probabilities is established to describe the diffractive proton-proton interactions in ATLAS, and then using $1.22\times10^9$ events collected on the AFP detector in 2017, the underlying probabilities are measured to be $P_A=(14.0\pm0.001)\times10^{-3}$,$P_C=(14.4\pm0.001)\times10^{-3}$, $P_{AC}=(2.0\pm0.008)\times10^{-4}$,$P_0=(969.6\pm0.003)\times10^{-3}$. From which the latest experimental result of Double Pomeron Exchange (DPE) process (e.g. the DPE cross section) on ATLAS can be extracted. In addition, the probabilities are found to be dependent on the average number of interactions per bunch crossing, and three possible causes are analysed.
Date of Award1 Aug 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorTerence Wyatt (Supervisor), Alexander Oh (Supervisor) & Olivier Allegre (Supervisor)

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