Donors' and Recipient's Perception of Corruption in the Case of Nepal.

  • Richa Pradhan

Student thesis: Master of Philosophy


Title: Donors' and Recipient's Perception of Corruption in the Case of Nepal.Submitted by Richa PradhanA thesis submitted in 2011 to the University of Manchester for the degree of Master of Philosophy in the Faculty of Law School.AbstractWhile considering the regional and international anti-corruption strategies, this research paper has aimed to understand the importance of perception of corruption for donors and recipient country in the case of Nepal. The anti-corruption regulations are only partial answers, and without a unified approach to fight against corruption, the regulations will only result in inefficient results. This study looks at the varying perspectives of corruption and its role in the success of anti-corruption strategies' implementation. The research paper reviews the literature on corruption, anti-corruption efforts, and the perception of corruption in relation to the donor agencies and recipient nations, with the focus on perceived (i) benefits and negative impacts of corruption, (ii) reputations and middlemen contributions, and (iii) persistence and morality of corruption. This research seeks to gather these direct and indirect anti-corruption regulatory measures that the donors and recipient nation have tried to install. Additionally, without proper prosecutions of corrupt officials, there is distrust between the citizens and the government, and thereby the recipient government and the donors. The research looks at the morality and tolerance of corruption, and the sustaining role they have played in continuing the systematic corruption in Nepal. Print media is analyzed to gather evidence of the recipient perceptions of corruption, to understand the limitations to the anti-corruption regulations, public thoughts, and donor interests. This paper will seek to answer whether perceptions are indeed important, or an inconsequential factor in the donor and recipient interactions, in the case of Nepal.
Date of Award1 Aug 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorRilka Dragneva-Lewers (Supervisor)


  • Anti-corruption
  • nepal
  • development

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