Energy Efficient Cooperative Wireless Communications

  • Sarmad Sohaib

Student thesis: Phd


Cooperative diversity exploits the broadcast nature of wireless channels and uses relays to improve link reliability. Most cooperative communication protocols are assumed to be synchronous in nature, which is not always possible in wireless communication. Also the relay nodes are assumed to be half duplex which in turn reduces the spectral efficiency. In this thesis, we first present a novel asynchronous cooperative communication protocol exploiting polarization diversity, which does not require synchronization at the relay node. Dual polarized antennas are employed at the relay node to achieve full duplex amplify-and-forward (ANF) communication. Hence the transmission duration is reduced which results into an increased throughput rate. Capacity analysis of the proposed scheme ascertains the high data rate as compared to conventional ANF. Bit error rate (BER) simulation also shows that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms both the non-cooperative single-input single-output and the conventional ANF schemes. Considering channel path loss, the proposed scheme consume less total transmission energy as compared to ANF and non-cooperative scheme in more practical distance range. Thus the proposed scheme is suitable for high rate and energy efficient relay-enabled communication.In addition to that, we also present a novel power allocation scheme for multiple relay nodes that results in efficient cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication. Considering channel path loss, the total transmission energy is distributed between the source and the relay nodes. The energy distribution ratio between the relay and direct link is optimized such that the quality of received signal is maintained with minimum total transmission energy consumption. We calculate the energy distribution ratio analytically and verified it through computer simulation. With the new power allocation scheme, the system also obtains an increased channel capacity as compared to cooperative scheme with conventional equal power allocation and non-cooperative scheme. Optimal relay positioning with proposed energy allocation scheme is also explored to maximize the capacity.
Date of Award31 Dec 2010
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorDaniel Ka Chun So (Supervisor)


  • Cooperative mimo communication
  • MIMO systems
  • Asynchronous communication
  • Polarized diversity
  • power allocation
  • energy efficient communication

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