Genotype and Phenotype Interactions of the Insulin-like Growth Factor system in Type 2 diabetes

  • Ram Narayanan

    Student thesis: Unknown


    Background: Multiple lines of evidence implicate the insulin-like growth factor(IGF) group of proteins in human type 2 diabetes. The actions of IGF-I and IGF-IIare modulated through their interaction with IGF binding proteins. A holisticapproach to study the IGF system is preferable to analyses of individual proteininteractions as the inter-relationships between these proteins are complex. Inparticular, the associations of IGF-II and its associated binding proteins withcardiovascular risk have been inadequately studied. This study aimed to study indetail the genotype and phenotype interactions of the IGF system with longitudinalcardiovascular risk factor trends and phenotypic outcomes in type 2 diabetes.Methods: 1000 subjects of predominantly Caucasian origin from the SalfordDiabetes Cohort were studied. Measurements of IGF proteins (IGF-I, IGF-II,IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3) were performed in 554 of these patients. 991Caucasian subjects were successfully genotyped for 76 single nucleotidepolymorphisms (SNPs) related to ten genes in the IGF system. In this project weanalysed associations of the studied SNPs with the measured IGF proteins as well aslongitudinal risk factor trends. In addition, the baseline concentrations of themeasured proteins were studied for associations with cardiovascular risk factortrends and vascular outcomes.Results: This project demonstrates for the first time that high serum IGF-IIconcentration at baseline predicts longitudinal increases in high-density lipoproteincholesterol. High baseline IGF-II was also observed to predict longitudinal weightloss. High baseline concentration of IGFBP-2 (which has a preferential associationof IGF-II over IGF-I) was associated with a number of favourable longitudinalcardiovascular risk trends like increased HDL cholesterol and decreased diastolicblood pressure. However high IGFBP-2 was also associated with deterioration inrenal function and increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. The IGF2 geneand the genes encoding IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 (proteins with IGF-II bindingaffinity) were also associated with longitudinal trends in renal function, bloodpressure and cholesterol concentration.Discussion: This study is the most detailed exploration to date of the genotype andphenotype interactions of the IGF system in a Caucasian population with type 2diabetes. Results from this study strongly hint that changes in IGF-II bioavailabilitymay influence inter-individual variations in cardiovascular risk. The precisebiological role of IGF-II merits clarification in future expression studies in renal,adipose and vascular tissues. Replication of significant results in an independentdiabetes cohort and measurement of other IGF binding proteins will be performed inthe next stage of this study.
    Date of Award1 Aug 2013
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • The University of Manchester
    SupervisorMartin Gibson (Supervisor), William Ollier (Supervisor) & Richard Stephens (Supervisor)


    • IGF-II
    • Insulin-like Growth Factors
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Genetic Interactions
    • Longitudinal trends
    • Cardiovascular risk
    • IGFBP-2

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