Improved Load-balancing for a Chord-based Peer-to-Peer Storage System in a Cluster Environment

  • Fu Chen

Student thesis: Phd


The thesis investigates deployment of a Peer-to-Peer storage system in a cluster environment, in which machines have good and persist network connection, in order to provide the functionality of a data centre. For various reasons, the implementation is based on the Peer-to-Peer system known as Chord. Chord naturally provides storage load-balancing, especially if its virtual node scheme is used, but this needs to be improved if Chord is used to implement a storage system. A novel, threshold-based storage load-balancing scheme is proposed. Each machine in the system contributes a fixed amount of disk storage space to the Peer-to-Peer storage system. The system commences operation in the normal Chord manner except that two distinct sets of tables are initialised, one to maintain the usual Chord Ring, and one to maintain proximity information about the machines in the system. As files are inserted, the collective storage space gradually fills up. When any machine reaches the threshold for usage of its contributed space, the system behaviour is modified. Attempts are made, repeatedly if necessary, to migrate virtual nodes from heavily loaded machines to less-heavily loaded machines elsewhere in the system. The proximity information is used so as to minimise the costs of this migration. The nature of the proximity information is complex, and a Space-Filling Curve is utilised to reduce the complexity. For reasons of effectiveness, demonstrated by an evaluation against other kinds of Space-Filling Curve, the Hilbert curve is specifically chosen. The performance of the resulting implementation is evaluated in a practical experimental environment which consists of five teaching laboratories in the author's school. Under the specific conditions of the experiments, the new system achieves significantly better distribution of storage utilisation across the participating machines and also defers the onset of unreliable behaviour in the system. In one experiment, the amount of the total storage space available that is actually utilised by the system increased from ∼ 43% to ∼ 62% using the proposed mechanism. The parameters used in the experiments have been chosen somewhat arbitrarily, so it is possible that even better results might be feasible.
Date of Award1 Aug 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorJohn Gurd (Supervisor) & Nicholas Filer (Supervisor)


  • Load-balancing
  • DHT Storage System

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