Integration of Digital Technology in the Film Industry of Bangladesh: Readiness and Response Functions

  • Muhammad Ahsan

Student thesis: Phd


The objective of this study is to understand how the integration of digital technology (DT) in the Bangladesh Film industry has been responded to by its production, distribution and exhibition related organisations. Since no research on digital integration has been considered in a developing country context, and specifically within the area of concentrating on the industry rather than the films themselves, this research therefore addresses the gaps within the knowledge field. The Bangladesh Film Industry (BFI) used to be a centre for film production, distribution and exhibition, but this traditional industry has been in decline for decades. In response to the decline, the government started an integration process of DT in 2003, yet eight years after the launch only a fraction of the project has been completed. Apart from its partial adoption in the film production sector, distribution and exhibition have appeared to resist the adoption of new technology. This thesis therefore sets out to explore the causes of partial integration of DT in the film industry in Bangladesh through a study of the workforce, business owners, practitioners, scholars, government officials and executives functioning in and outside the industry. With the mixed method approach and emphasis on qualitative engagement (two case studies and 38 interviews), this thesis explores current attitudes and beliefs and identifies potential barriers to effective integration. In particular this dissertation examines five areas: technology integration, training for workforce development, production, distribution and exhibition capabilities, and argues that the political factor was the most important driver in integrating DT, while knowledge integration, training, and development of digital production, distribution and exhibition compatibility at individual and organisational levels were ignored. Moreover, the greatest concern of losing a job or business within the industry community due to inadequate knowledge, skills and finance is impeding the possibility of full completion of the integration process within the industry. Overall, two important contributions of this research include 1) an exploration of factors that impeded progress of the film industry in responding to the DT and 2) a formulation of some suitable recommendations to overcome the challenges in order to completely realise the integration of DT within the Bangladesh Film Industry. However, further research is recommended to investigate whether completion of the integration process will save the industry from decline or not.
Date of Award1 Aug 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorRajinder Dudrah (Supervisor) & Victoria Lowe (Supervisor)


  • Digital Technology, Technology Integartion, Film Industry, Bangladesh
  • Readiness, Response Functions, MEDC, LEDC, PESTEL, Absorptive Capacity, Efficacy Level

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