Investigating the Success, Efficacy and Patient Acceptance of Zygomatic Implants versus Traditional Grafting Protocols when Managing the Atrophic Maxilla

  • Richard Brookshaw

Student thesis: Master of Philosophy


In cases where substantial loss of teeth has occurred, various treatment modalities have been used for partial or complete edentulism. Following the loss of teeth, atrophy of the alveolus (tooth bearing area) can occur. In some patients this can be significant, causing problems when trying to replace teeth, either with conventional methods or when using dental implants. The atrophic maxilla presents a particular challenge, either with conventional treatment or when considering dental implants, and it is this aspect of patient care and quality of life improvement that forms the focus of this thesis. Current accepted surgical grafting protocols for this group of patients are protracted for both the patient and the clinical team. They are also cost prohibitive, carry reduced success rates, and are often associated with donor site morbidity as well as other associated complications. For these reasons, uptake of treatment is often low, and a large proportion of this patient group is left untreated or dissatisfied with the overall process. The aim of this study is to ascertain whether zygomatic implants present an advantage, disadvantage, or are equal to conventional accepted methods of treatment. Additionally, this work will evaluate the consent process undertaken with patients having zygomatic implants and their recollection of any associated complications.
Date of Award31 Dec 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorJulian Yates (Supervisor)

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