Numerical investigation of the interaction of synthetic jets with a laminar boundary layer and the effect of jet orientation.

  • Fernando Valenzuela Calva

Student thesis: Phd


In 2009, based on its commitment to take action on the climate change, the aviation industry accorded a group of objectives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Although only 2% of all human-induced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are produced by the global aviation industry [14], the aviation industry is set to grow in the next 30 years. In order to maintain this growth without increasing its negative environmental impact, the future aircraft have to be cleaner and greener. In order to reduce carbon emissions and increase the operative efficiency, novel technologies have been developed and applied on aircraft. One of the recently introduced technologies is the flow control over the wing by employing active flow control methods [4].Amongst the active flow control methods, synthetic jets have emerged as a developing and promising technology. The latter have been extensively investigated since 1990 in laboratory based investigations. In spite of the fact that many experimental studies have been performed to design synthetic jet actuators for optimal flow control, due to the the vast number of operating parameters involved, and the lack of current measurement technologies, they can be impractical and highly expensive. Hence, there is a need for a systematic analysis to establish the optimal operating conditions with the highest effectiveness at the cost of minimum energy input, and the most suitable orientation of synthetic jet orifices. This would require enhanced comprehension of the inherent features of synthetic jets and their corresponding near wall effects.By using numerical simulations with a commercial CFD software (Star-CCM+), this thesis investigates some features associated with synthetic jet performance that are not fully understood, such as:• The optimal working configuration of a synthetic jet array embedded into a laminar detached boundary layer for flow separation control.• The effect of orifice orientation (inclined and skewed synthetic jets) over normal synthetic jets and their optimal working configuration in an attached laminar boundary layer.
Date of Award31 Dec 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorShan Zhong (Supervisor) & Timothy Craft (Supervisor)


  • jet orientation
  • detached laminar boundary layer
  • synthetic jets
  • flow control

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