Peri-urbanisation and the Emergence of Integrated Spatial Planning and Governance - Managing the Growth of Peri-urban Areas in the secondary City-Regions of Indonesia

  • Dimas Adrianto

Student thesis: Phd


Peri-urbanisation, the spread of low-density development within urban hinterlands, has become a global phenomenon as a consequence of rapidly urbanising populations. The transformation of peri-urban landscapes is a result of combined economic, social and technological change, while at the same time, spatial planning and governance has a single focus on land use change. This research aims to contribute to the understanding of such problems and, in so doing, makes recommendations for improving spatial planning and governance which could deliver more effective management of peri-urban areas. In the global urban studies literature, there has been growing interest in the phenomenon of peri-urbanisation, particularly with regard to the global south and Southeast Asia where the process tends to be dramatic. This research focuses on three Indonesian secondary cities (Surabaya, Malang and Batu) as case studies. This research has three objectives. First, to contribute to understanding peri-urbanisation as a metabolism of land use change and social-economic development in Indonesian secondary cities. Second, to analyse the role of spatial planning and governance, and its influence on peri-urbanisation. Third, to synthesise the views of peri-urban stakeholders on potential pathways to improve spatial planning and governance for peri-urban areas. To achieve these objectives, the research applied the theoretical perspectives of urban metabolism and urban political ecology, as applied to peri-urbanization. Meanwhile, synergistics, the ‘science of synergies’ was used as the methodological foundation for stakeholders to explore pathways towards more integrated and responsive systems of spatial planning and governance. The results show that, with specific regard to the case studies, peri-urbanisation was triggered by major development projects in the peri-urban (and this creates environmental, social and economic problems especially for long-term residents of peri-urban areas). This research also found that uneven power relations, as realized by informal interventions by urban development elites, influencing the formal process of spatial planning, take place in five stages; initial scoping, the construction of the official document, the policy legislation stage, the pre-construction of zoning regulations and the planning permission process. Finally, following an interactive workshop with high-level policy-makers, the research identified five key recommendations for improving peri-urban planning and governance. These revolve around creating a collaborative framework of spatial planning; establishing integrated planning policies and implementation processes; enabling sustainable peri-urban forms and connectivity; securing peri-urban environmental well-being; and enhancing peri-urban communities and livelihoods.
Date of Award31 Dec 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorMark Baker (Supervisor), Joe Ravetz (Supervisor) & Yanuar Nugroho (Supervisor)


  • Peri-urbanisation
  • Spatial planning and governance
  • Indonesian secondary cities

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