Research on OnlineRetailing for ModestFashion

  • Nazihah Ab Mumin

    Student thesis: Master of Enterprise


    Modest Fashion industry is a relatively new industry that sprouted out of the effect of globalisationon Muslim society, especially those who are residing in the Western world. With market value in themillions, this is an interesting subject matter. Coupled with advancement in technology that enablesefficient online retailing - this is the subject matter that is going to be researched as part of mybusiness project.Modest fashion is a new and emerging industry that arises out of the gap in the market forfashionable and stylish modest clothing. My business idea is to develop an online retail business formodest clothing. In this research, I will be looking at the market size, target market, and the businessenvironment of this new industry to determine the viability of my business idea. I will also explorethe online retailing method for the business by developing a business model. The financial factorsare analysed by preparing the casfhlow accounts, profit and loss and the balance sheet.
    Date of Award1 Aug 2011
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • The University of Manchester
    SupervisorPammi Sinha (Supervisor)


    • modest clothing
    • online retailing

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