A search for CP violation in the phase spaces of D0 â Ï+ Ï+ Ïâ Ïâ and D0 â K+ Kâ Ï+ Ïâ decays is performed. Proton-proton collision data collected by the LHCb experiment during run 2 (2015-2018) of the LHC are used, corresponding to 6 fbâ1 of integrated luminosity. This analysis uses the energy test, an unbinned and model-independent method which is able to test for both P -even and P -odd forms of CP violation. In advance of the unblinding of the full run 2 dataset, the results for only the 2016 dataset are reported. No deviations from the CP conservation hypothesis are observed, with the results of all tests falling within two standard deviations. Secondary vertex resolution is studied with D0 â Kâ Ï+ Ï+ Ïâ data collected by the LHCb experiment during run 2. The method used is able to estimate the resolution without requiring simulation as an input. Based on the how secondary vertex resolution varies as a function of different variables, recommendations for the design of future versions of the LHCb VELO are made. The implementation of a framework for performing offline data monitoring for run 3 is described. This framework is built upon Analysis Productions, a centralised system at LHCb used to create NTuples. Analysts are able to define data quality checks using a custom, human-readable syntax. The results of these checks, including histograms of arbitrary variables, are automatically displayed in a convenient web application.
- Secondary vertex resolution
- Offline monitoring
- Charm
- LHCb
- CP violation
Searching for CP violation in four-body charm decays, measuring secondary vertex resolution, and developing data monitoring tools for run 3 at LHCb
White, D. (Author). 1 Aug 2023
Student thesis: Phd