Study of the photonucleation of droplets from water vapour with special regard to processes involving molecular oxygen

  • William Hesson

Student thesis: Master of Science by Research


An attempt was made to detect the photonucleation process which is outlined by Byers Brown (1995) via a detection of hydrogen peroxide as a product of this reaction. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations were found to be below the detection limit (-2 ± 2 ppb) in the case of the longest mixed gas test. The evidence of this study indicates several possibilities: either hydrogen peroxide is not the product of the photonucleation process, the CTC (charge transfer complex) has a short lifetime and therefore photonucleation is not a significant process, or photonucleation by the Byers Brown process does not occur.
Date of Award1 Aug 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorGordon Mcfiggans (Supervisor) & Paul Connolly (Supervisor)


  • Charge Transfer Complex
  • Nucleation
  • Photonucleation
  • Photo-induced nucleation
  • Hydrogen Peroxide

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