The development and implementation of a framework for managing change as part of continuous improvement within an NHS Genomics laboratory setting

  • Andrew Parrish

Student thesis: Unknown


The term change management can be used to describe “any action taken to smoothly transition a business process encompassing an individual or group from a current state to a future desired state of being”. Equally, it can be used to describe “the response to changes over which the organisation exercises little or no control”. Using either of these definitions, whether proactive or reactive, undertaking the process of change management is a requirement of any organisation seeking to engage in continuous improvement. There is a clear and pressing demand on the healthcare science workforce that provide services for approximately 80% of diagnoses made within the NHS to continually improve those services for patients, their representatives and the taxpayer to whom they are responsible. The demand on these services is recognised to increasing dramatically across all specialties, and amongst the highest in genomics, further complicated by a shifting of the genomic testing landscape and the introduction of new organisational entities into clinical pathways within the last decade. In order to efficiently deliver to these demands, a structured approach to implementing quality improvement needs to be embedded with the laboratory culture. This thesis proposes a novel socio-technical framework for implementing organisational change within an NHS genomics laboratory setting. This framework has been quantitatively and qualitatively shown to be effective at facilitating the implementation of quality improvement, suggesting that a structured group-led approach using appropriate quality improvement tools, supported by accurate data, will empower NHS laboratories with the ability to deliver continuous improvement to the services they provide.
Date of Award31 Dec 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorAndrew Brass (Supervisor) & Iliada Eleftheriou (Supervisor)

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