Tuning and alignment of ATF2

  • Anthony Scarfe

Student thesis: Phd


The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF2) at KEK, Japan, aims to experimentally verify the local chromaticity correction scheme designed to achieve a vertical beam size of 37 nm. The facility is a scaled down version of the final focus design proposed for the future linear colliders. In order to achieve this goal, high precision tuning methods and orbit correction techniques are being developed. Experimental studies were planned and undertaken in order to discover and compensate for sources of emittance growth in the extraction region of ATF2. Global Single Value Decomposition (SVD)-based orbit correction algorithms have been developed and optimised for the ATF2 extraction line and final focus. A novel method known as the 'rotation matrix' method has been developed for the spot-size tuning of ATF2 in order to achieve a nanometre-scale beamsize. The tuning algorithms used at ATF2 will provide an important input for future linear colliders (including the International Linear Collider (ILC) and Compact Linear Collider (CLIC)).
Date of Award1 Aug 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorRobert Appleby (Supervisor) & Roger Barlow (Supervisor)


  • ATF2

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