Understanding stakeholder relationships in marketing the urban village.

  • Meryl Le Feuvre

Student thesis: Master of Philosophy


The MPhil utilises the redevelopment of Houldsworth Village as a case study by which to explore the plurality of stakeholder interests which place marketers must address to deliver the ambitions of an urban village.The applied methodology of participative action-case allowed the researcher to consider, over time, the complex phenomena being studied in to Houldsworth Village with respect to understanding stakeholder interactions therein in the urban village.From this context, the thesis advocates the application of services marketing as a framework through which to explore and conceptualise stakeholder interactions. It outlines the thematic influences of the three Ps, processes, participants and physical evidence and their impact on stakeholder interactions.The exploration of the thematic influences within the three Ps, informs the development of a typology of stakeholder interactions, according to the extent to which the entity was supportive in implementing processes and achieving participant satisfaction and the degree to which it contributed to the physical environment.Such insight is vital to place marketing practitioners, and can be used to inform the future management of stakeholder relationships within the urban village.
Date of Award1 Aug 2011
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorDominic Medway (Supervisor)


  • Stakeholders
  • Place marketing
  • Urban village

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