Using high resolution digital image correlation to map deformation heterogeneity after large deformations

  • Steven Ravenscroft

Student thesis: Master of Science by Research


This investigation aims to study slip band alignment in a model aluminium alloy with second phase silicon particles, after large deformations, using plane strain compression. The alignment of these slip bands will be studied in relation to crystallographic orientation and the resultant substructure after deformation. Slip bands formed after plane strain compression are shown not to align with crystallographic slip planes. Secondary slip bands are seen to form in most grains at different stages of deformation. When two sets of slip bands are present, they rotate in opposite directions and the matrix will rotate alternately in the presence of large second phase particles. Areas free of second phase particles and exhibiting uniform matrix rotation will deform heterogeneously with primary and secondary slip bands.
Date of Award1 Aug 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorPhilip Prangnell (Supervisor) & Joao Quinta Da Fonseca (Supervisor)

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