Wasted Space: Lost opportunities in managing small derelict sites in Liverpool

  • Karen Nolan

Student thesis: Phd


Economic and demographic decline are significant factors in the generation of brownfield land. Small brownfield sites can create negative images of neighbourhoods, attracting anti-social behaviour and having detrimental effects on communities. This deters investment, creating a downward spiral of neglect and market failure. Despite the policy emphasis placed on reuse and removing the blight associated with brownfield sites, there is a paucity of studies relating to the issue of, a) small sites and b) specifically derelict sites. This leads to a lack of reliable data and problems for the evidence base which informs the development of policy. This study explores the effects of unenumerated small scale land dereliction on cities and communities in social and economic terms. The study takes a mixed methods approach including a three-tier case study focusing on the development of the derelict land issue in Liverpool. Liverpool is considered to be the most deprived local authority in England and has experienced long term demographic decline and depression and as such has a high proportion of derelict and vacant land. Despite being the focus of a plethora of regeneration initiatives, Liverpool still has a large number of derelict sites, the majority of which are smaller than 0.25 hectares.
Date of Award1 Aug 2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorStephen Hincks (Supervisor) & Graham Haughton (Supervisor)


  • Derelict land, Brownfield, Liverpool, Development, Vacant

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